The experiments of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons in 1989, which showed heat production in palladium specimens saturated with deuterium, generated a wave of similar experiments around the world. Fleischmann and Pons made the statement that this heating was not of chemical, but of nuclear origin. The calorific capacity of cold fusion is larger by seven orders of magnitude than that of chemical oxidation.
Though initially rejected by the scientific community as incorrect, experiments on cold fusion have nevertheless continued for more than twenty years. To the credit of the founders and supporters of cold fusion, most of them did not agree to the firm negative verdict imposed on this topic by traditional nuclear physicists. The cold fusion community consistently defended their scientific observations. Not having in their hands the theory of the process, they have remained honest to the fundamental principle of science: the truth is that which can be reliably observed and detected. Currently, we are arriving at a stage at which the facts of cold fusion just cannot be ignored any longer by the scientific community.
Besides Fleischmann and Pons, we should also note the contribution of such researchers as Peter Hagelstein, Michael McKubre, Mitchell Swartz, Yoshiaki Arata, Francesco Piantelli, and Vittorio Violante. Enumerating all the worthy contributors to this field in this short letter would take too much space. Totally, there are several hundred people of active participants in this field at the moment.
We affirm that the results of experiments on cold fusion in no way contradict the basic scientific theories. We should not forget that nuclear physics currently does not have any comprehensive theory. The nuclear physics of today is based on phenomenological approaches that well explain existing experimental facts, within a certain energy range. Experiments on cold fusion explicitly go beyond that.
Besides a substantial increase in the accuracy of calorimeters, nuclear fusion research in Japan and in Europe has been supported for the past 15 years by experiments conducted to study the process of traditional “hot” nuclear fusion on low energy accelerators. These experiments have shown that the probability of a fusion reaction at the very low energies increases dramatically when the target particle is put into the conductive crystal, as compared the probability of fusion for free atom collisions. This increase is due to a significant rise of the electron screening potential for the atoms in conductive crystals; this process takes place in a crystal environment in the presence of free conduction electrons of metals. When taking this effect into account for cold fusion, the estimated permeability of the Coulomb barrier sharply increases (by about 60 orders of magnitude). This circumstance is already enough to recognize the reality of the cold fusion process.
Changing the well-established scientific paradigm certainly is not a simple process. Scientific revolutions occur when certain anomalies that have been observed cannot continue to be explained by previously accepted principles. It is usually painful process, and this is what happening today in such a sensitive subject as nuclear physics. It is difficult to predict how long this process will take, although things are moving fast. Sociological difficulties caused by this transition process could be massive enough.
This site was created in order to promote scientific progress in the field of cold fusion. This truly innovative trend in today’s nuclear physics is based on indisputable scientific evidence.
E.N. Tsyganov
Though initially rejected by the scientific community as incorrect, experiments on cold fusion have nevertheless continued for more than twenty years. To the credit of the founders and supporters of cold fusion, most of them did not agree to the firm negative verdict imposed on this topic by traditional nuclear physicists. The cold fusion community consistently defended their scientific observations. Not having in their hands the theory of the process, they have remained honest to the fundamental principle of science: the truth is that which can be reliably observed and detected. Currently, we are arriving at a stage at which the facts of cold fusion just cannot be ignored any longer by the scientific community.
Besides Fleischmann and Pons, we should also note the contribution of such researchers as Peter Hagelstein, Michael McKubre, Mitchell Swartz, Yoshiaki Arata, Francesco Piantelli, and Vittorio Violante. Enumerating all the worthy contributors to this field in this short letter would take too much space. Totally, there are several hundred people of active participants in this field at the moment.
We affirm that the results of experiments on cold fusion in no way contradict the basic scientific theories. We should not forget that nuclear physics currently does not have any comprehensive theory. The nuclear physics of today is based on phenomenological approaches that well explain existing experimental facts, within a certain energy range. Experiments on cold fusion explicitly go beyond that.
Besides a substantial increase in the accuracy of calorimeters, nuclear fusion research in Japan and in Europe has been supported for the past 15 years by experiments conducted to study the process of traditional “hot” nuclear fusion on low energy accelerators. These experiments have shown that the probability of a fusion reaction at the very low energies increases dramatically when the target particle is put into the conductive crystal, as compared the probability of fusion for free atom collisions. This increase is due to a significant rise of the electron screening potential for the atoms in conductive crystals; this process takes place in a crystal environment in the presence of free conduction electrons of metals. When taking this effect into account for cold fusion, the estimated permeability of the Coulomb barrier sharply increases (by about 60 orders of magnitude). This circumstance is already enough to recognize the reality of the cold fusion process.
Changing the well-established scientific paradigm certainly is not a simple process. Scientific revolutions occur when certain anomalies that have been observed cannot continue to be explained by previously accepted principles. It is usually painful process, and this is what happening today in such a sensitive subject as nuclear physics. It is difficult to predict how long this process will take, although things are moving fast. Sociological difficulties caused by this transition process could be massive enough.
This site was created in order to promote scientific progress in the field of cold fusion. This truly innovative trend in today’s nuclear physics is based on indisputable scientific evidence.
E.N. Tsyganov